Message to the Kings Point Community
October 2, 2021
Dear Kings Point Community:
We write today to express our unwavering support for the individual who has shared her story of
a sexual assault that took place during Sea Year. U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT).
the Maritime Administration (MARAD) and U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) are
committed to her safety and welfare, along with that of all midshipmen at USMMA, and we
stand ready to provide our support to her and to all survivors. Our trained, professional victim
advocates from our Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) office are here to help all
students and are available 24/7 to provide confidential assistance to anyone in need.
Providing resources for students after these events happen is not enough. We must prevent them
from occurring in the first place. We have zero tolerance for sexual assault and sexual
harassment at USMMA and in the maritime industry. As we determine the appropriate steps
required to increase and ensure the safety of our midshipmen, we pledge to listen to and work
closely with the entire Kings Point community. We especially want our students to know that we
value their voices and want to make sure they are part of any decisions that could potentially
affect our Sea Year training program.
To the entire Kings Point community, thank you for remaining a source of strength for our
shipmates. We have heard from many of you and know that you have questions and concerns.
On behalf of Secretary Buttigieg and the entire Department, we are committed to moving swiftly
and resolutely to address sexual assault and harassment, protect and support survivors, and fulfill
our deep commitment to the vital work of the USMMA.
Thank you,
Deputy Secretary Polly Trottenberg and Acting Maritime Administrator Lucinda Lessley