Office of Cargo and Commercial Sealift
Under the general direction and supervision of Office of the Administrator, the Office of Cargo and Commercial Sealift shall:
- Promote and monitor the use of U.S.-flag vessels in the movement of cargo on international waters
- Oversee the administration of and compliance with U.S. cargo preference laws and regulations
It has full authority to enforce compliance with U.S. cargo preference acts, and must:
- determine the availability of U.S.-flag service when that availability is questioned by another agency, contractor, or program participant;
- provide guidance concerning the reasonableness of ocean freight rates to Federal agencies and participants in programs sponsored by those agencies;
- monitor the compliance of Government agencies and commercial shippers subject to the preference statutes; and
- report to Congress on compliance with the cargo preference laws by Federal agencies
Programs and Services
The Office of Cargo and Commercial Sealift is organized to mirror the three primary cargo classes addressed by United States Cargo Preference Laws:
- Agricultural Cargoes
- Civilian Agencies Cargoes (Ex-Im Bank cargo is addressed alongside Civilian cargoes)
- Military Cargoes
Last updated: Wednesday, December 11, 2019