Air Quality
Air pollution results in substantial economic, environmental, and human health costs. Mobile sources such as vessels and equipment at ports add to criteria pollutant and other emissions that have the potential to affect not just coastal and port communities, but also populations hundreds of miles away.
As with other modes of transportation, there are many potential methods for achieving reductions, such as cleaner burning fuels, emissions abatement equipment on board vessels, and more efficient design and operation of ships. In order for clean emissions initiatives to advance, there must be a process for assisting stakeholders in making decisions on the most beneficial approaches. Whether selecting alternative fuels or technology, the investment by industry is significant. Therefore, an important component of MARAD's META Program is to study, test, evaluate, and demonstrate the viability and applicability of alternative fuels and technologies, in order to generate data and information useful to the marine community, regulatory agencies, and the public.
Hybrid Dredge and Electric Assist Vessel (Curtin Maritime)
Curtin Maritime will design and construct a fully-electric assist tug and demonstrate its operation in the context of a new, fully hybridized dredge and related equipment.
Energy Efficiency and Emissions Guide Update (Glosten)
This project is a review and update of the guide which Glosten originally developed and was published in 2022. The revised guide will include updates in technology and information on alternatives to decarbonize maritime operations. The project was kicked off in May 2024 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.
Macroeconomic and Environmental Impacts of Port Electrification (University of Delaware/Rochester Institute of Technology)
This project evaluated the macroeconomic impacts associated with port electrification at four case study ports throughout the United States. The report assesses economic impacts on a county and state level, jobs and economic growth, scenarios describing future-year potential benefits of electric technologies including regional economic activity and increased jobs at the state and county levels, and environmental impacts of electrification by shifting from local diesel engine operation to regional electric grid power. The report can be found here.
Energy Efficiency White Paper
MARAD partnered with SOCP to produce a paper for ship owners and operators on energy efficiency measures for marine vessels. The report discusses how the various technologies work, potential fuel savings, applicability to various vessel types, and lifecycle costs, providing a basis upon which owners and operators can evaluate potential investments in efficiency measures and technologies. The white paper is available here.
Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization Technical Guide (2022)
MARAD partnered with Glosten Inc. to produce a technical guide for the maritime industry on energy efficiency and decarbonization. The guide focuses on the state of energy efficiency and fuel technologies available., and overviews emerging technologies and operational measures that may contribute to improving efficiency and reducing GHG emissions in the long-term. It will serve as a reference for us and international owners/operators alike but is geared toward the vessel types that are characteristic of the U.S. flag merchant fleet. The technical guide is available here.
Project Nautilus: Introducing Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology Retrofit Hybrid Electric
MARAD partnered with Sandia National Laboratory and the Hornblower Group to design a hydrogen fuel cell application to be retrofitted on an existing passenger ferry operating in San Francisco. Specifically, the design focused on replacing an auxiliary diesel generator with a fuel cell. Hornblower submitted the design to the USCG Marine Safety Center and received a Design Basis Letter of Approval. The report details can be found here.
Future Fuels, Gulf of Mexico, Lower Mississippi River Delta (EERA)
This Study will investigate the suitability of different alternative fuels and power options for the maritime industry in the Lower Mississippi River Delta and Gulf of Mexico through 2050 with the goal of guiding industry decision making and government policy.
Ammonia Fuel Demonstration Project (Oak Ridge National Labs)
This 4-year project is a collaborative effort between Oak Ridge National Labs, Department of Energy, MARAD and others. The aim is to develop and deliver new solutions to maximize the amount of ammonia used in current marine engines in retrofit applications and inform the next generation of ammonia-capable marine engines. The kick-off meeting was held in February 2023.
Methanol Fuel Demonstration Project (Oak Ridge National Labs)
Similar to the Ammonia META project, the aim of this collaborative project is to identify, develop, and test hardware configurations and operating strategies required to maximize the use of methanol while maintaining acceptable engine performance, efficiency, and durability while simultaneously demonstrating compliance pathways for criteria pollutants and reducing GHG emissions (lifecycles CO2, N2O, and methane). The collaborative work will investigate several hardware configurations and operating strategies, including dual-fuel operation (methanol and diesel) and single-fuel operation (methanol only). The kickoff meeting was held in February 2023.
*NEW* Feasibility Study on Future Energy Options for Commercial Harbor Crafts (CHC) in California
MARAD partnered with the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) to conduct a feasibility study on the future energy options for commercial harbor crafts (CHC) operating in California. The study is intended to serve as a reference for vessel operators that are planning to consider alternative energy solutions for their existing or future fleet, technology developers including engine manufacturers, and relevant stakeholders such as repair/maintenance facilities. The types of harbor craft examined include tug/tow boats, ferries, crew and supply boats, workboats and pilot vessels. The study can be found here.
Update of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) for Biofuels
Working in partnership with Argonne National Laboratories, an update for biofuel pathways is evaluated using a new version of the GREET marine fuel module developed for this project. This new Module includes several new marine biofuel pathways as well as updated pathways for conventional marine fuels and natural gas as a marine fuel. We updated the combustion emission factors using the best available data. The final report can be found here.
Alternative Biodiesel Testing (2011)
MARAD partnered with the Navy, Army Corps of Engineers, the Coast Guard, NOAA and other stakeholders to conduct performance and endurance testing of HRD produced from algal feed stock. The fuel was provided by the Navy. The project included performance and endurance tests both underway and pier-side, pre- and post-test power plant evaluation, and fuel and lube oil analysis. MARAD also conducted exhaust emission and long term fuel stability tests.
Alternative Biodiesel Testing (2012)
MARAD conducted performance and endurance testing of HRD produced form the fermentation of Sugar in sorghum/sugar cane. Like the tests conducted in 2011, the tests also included exhaust emission monitoring, pre- and post-test power plant evaluation, and fuel and lube oil analysis. During this test, MARAD also conducted onboard machinery vibration and underwater sound transmission tests to collect and analyze data. The Renewable Diesel for Marine Application Final Report can be found here.
Alternative Biodiesel Testing (2013/14)
Based upon earlier tests, MARAD entered into a cooperative agreement with Scrips Institute of Oceanography (SIO) to conduct long-term tests of HRD fuels onboard research vessels operated by SIO.
Renewable Diesel Fuel Oil Tests
The Scripps Institute of Oceanography constructed a portable test laboratory; procured neat HRD fuel produced from waste oils, conducted underway tests of the fuel, sampled engine exhaust emissions, and performed post-test engine evaluation. The final report can be found here.
Economic Analysis of Renewable Fuels for Maritime Propulsion
To meet both growing fuel demand and more stringent air emissions regulations, MARAD recently worked with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to employ a preliminary techno-economic analysis of various biofuel pathways for the production of marine fuel. Click here for the final report.
Understanding Opportunities for Biofuels in Marine Shipping
MARAD and DOE collaborate on an ongoing basis with the DOE's Bioenergy Technology Office (BETO) and the National Laboratories to develop biofuels for marine applications. The focus is price, feed stock choice, and scalability. A recent example of our mutual effort can be found here.
Biofuel Adoption; Long-Term Price and Scalability Assessment
MARAD recognizes that one of the biggest challenges in the 21st century is transforming the maritime transportation sector into a low carbon-based and sustainable industry. Bioenergy has an essential role in the transition to move maritime shipping toward carbon neutrality. With inherently zero- or low-sulfur and renewable carbon sources, biofuels will help mitigate marine shipping sulfur emissions, improve overall emission profiles, and enable the decarbonization transition. As biofuel for marine propulsion is still at its nascent stage, knowledge gaps exist, including the life cycle environmental impacts, compatibility of biofuel blending availability and cost aspects for marine use production capacity potential for marine propulsion in the United States. The final report can be found here.
Primer on the Coast of Marine Fuels Compliant with IMO 2020 Rule
MARAD partnered with Oak Ridge National Laboratories to analyze the cost of different approaches to compliance with the IMO mandate to reduce the sulfur content of marine fuels to no more than 0.5%, which went into effect on January 1st, 2020. The report discusses different options for compliance including low-sulfur petroleum-based fuels and alternative scenarios regarding fuel prices, policy, and technology innovation. The final report can be found here.
Study of Marine Diesel Soot Emissions Using Oxygenated Fuel Blends
MARAD partnered with the Maine Maritime Academy (MMA) to explore the effectiveness of using glycerol as a fuel additive to reduce or eliminate particulate matter (PM) emissions from diesel combustion. Researchers at the MMA's Marine Engine Testing and Emissions Laboratory (METEL) set up a combustion chamber to run the experiment. Among others, METEL was designed to support research and development of practical solutions for emissions reductions and improved efficiency for marine diesel engines. The methodology and results are detailed in the final report, which can be found here.
Great Lakes Natural Gas Feasibility and Conceptual Engineering Design Study
MARAD partnered with the Great Lake Maritime Research Institute (GLMRI) to study the feasibility of using natural gas on the Great Lakes. The study investigated shore-side and vessel infrastructure requirements, transportation and safety issues, and conceptual vessel engineering requirements. The study found that the use of LNG as a propulsion fuel is feasible but there are still barriers that need to be addressed, such as infrastructure and a reasonable return on investment for vessel conversions. Multi-sector, regional use of LNG can help reduce overall costs of infrastructure development. The study can be found here.
LNG Inland Waterway Study (Phase II)
MARAD partnered with GLMRI to expand the Great Lakes Feasibility study to include the inland waterway system, focusing mainly on the Ohio River. The study provides regulatory analysis and a case study for LNG use along the Ohio River. The study can be found here.
Natural Gas for Waterborne Freight Transport: A Lifecycle Emissions Assessment with Case Studies
MARAD partnered with the University of Delaware (UDEL) and Rochester Institute of Technology (ROT) to complete a "well-to-hull" or "total fuel cycle" air emissions analysis for natural bas use versus conventional fuels for three shipping scenarios. Using a total fuel cycle model provides users with a more complete quantitative analysis of upstream emissions, not just downstream at the point of combustion, and allows for more descriptive comparisons. The study can be found here.
Methane Emissions from Natural Gas Bunkering Operations in the Marine Sector: A Total Fuel Cycle Approach
MARAD partnered with UDEL and RIT to expand the total duel cycle analysis study to focus more on methane slip and fugitive emission associated with bunkering operations and combustion in vessel engines. Like CO2, methane is a greenhouse gas. Although methane is shorter lived than CO2, it is a more potent greenhouse gas. Thus, while natural gas substantially reduces criteria pollutants (SOX, NOX, and particulate matter), the total greenhouse gas contribution must be considered. This study helps identify pathways through which methane may be lost during the bunkering (fueling) process an through combustion. The study can be found here.
Liquefied Natural Gas Bunkering Study
MARAD partnered with DNV-GL to study issues associated with LNG bunkering, infrastructure, and training. The study identifies regulatory gaps and provides risk assessment recommendations for future decisions related to LNG bunkering locations and infrastructure. The study can be found here.
LNG Demonstration Projects
In 2015, MARAD funded two demonstration projects involving the use of LLNG as vessel fuel. One project involved the conversion of an inland regional tug. The other conversion is of an oceangoing roll-on/roll-off vessel. These projects assist in identifying issues associated with LNG use, factoring in the different operations profiles and environments between oceangoing and inland vessels. The scope of both projects includes pre- and post-conversion emissions testing and reporting of any lessons learned. Both projects are long term, three- year projects.
In the case of the tugboat project, MARAD partnered with the Pittsburgh Region Clean Cities to demonstrate a tugboat LNG project. The project was designed to test off-the-shelf LNG fumigation technology on a feeder tug operating on the Ohio River. The project was on track to be completed in early 2020. However, unforeseen issues such as changes in regulations and business conditions, coupled with a long design approval process, adversely affected the project timing. Ultimately, carrying out the project as originally envisioned was not possible. Although the project was ultimately terminated, the attached report details critical lessons learned and useful information that the industry should find useful. The report is available here.
LNG Comparative Emissions Testing
MARAD partnered with the University of California - Riverside (UCR) to complete an emissions testing campaign on a LNG powered cargo ferry. The campaign measured criteria pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions while operating on LNG and low sulfur diesel fuel. As part of the campaign, UCR also partnered with the National Research Council Canada, the University of British Columbia, and Transport Canada. The study can be found here.
Methanol Reforming Fuel Cell Evaluation (Maritime Partners)
This project will collect operating data and document lessons learned from sea trials and commercial demonstration of a new-build towboat powered by a methanol reforming hydrogen generation system. The M/V HYDROGEN ONE (H1) will be the first vessel in the world to employ this technology with the intent to demonstrate its viability as a reliable and cost competitive propulsion system.
Waste Heat Absorption Chiller Project (Collins/Brazonics)
This META project, in coordination with the US Navy, builds upon previous work done onboard the TS Golden Bear by installing an improved adsorption chiller design on the exhaust gas side of the generators. This adds a jacket of water waste heat recovery through additional adsorption chillers. The US Navy is funding this follow-on project with the aim of eventually installing this technology on Naval vessels. This study will take place over the 2024 and 2025 summer cruises of the TS Golden Bear.
Biofouling Prevention Demonstration on Seawater Cooling System
MARAD partnered with the Massachusetts Maritime Academy and Interphase Materials, Inc. to perform a shipboard demonstration of a nano-surface treatment solution (THERMOPHASE) to reduce fouling on heat transfer surfaces and improve system efficiency. THERMOPHASE was applied to test coupons and a demonstration chiller which operated for 115 days. A significant reduction in biofouling was observed on both test coupons and operating chiller treated with THERMOPHASE when compared to controls. Click here for the final report.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell for Port and Shipboard Marine Applications
In 2014, MARAD and DOE jointly funded a project to design, develop construct, and test a containerized movable 100kW hydrogen FCG to provide electrical power in port and shipboard operations. The 100kW FCG was optimized to provide electrical power to ten refrigerated containers. The project has been closely coordinated with the regulatory and classification societies, applicable R&D groups and industries, and shipping companies. The prototype FCG was tested in 2015 and 2016, in an interisland barge service in Hawaii. Click here for the fuel cell report.
SF BREEZE Feasibility Study
in 2015, MARAD funded a feasibility study for the design of a high-powered (4.8MW), zero emission hydrogen fuel cell ferry, and the establishment of a hydrogen refueling capability in San Francisco Bay. The San Francisco Bay Area Renewable Energy Electric Zero Emission (SF-BREEZE) ferry would carry 150 passengers at 35 knots along a regular 24-mile long route in San Francisco Bay. The design would comply with the existing international code for low-flash point fuels, and the project would help advance development of federal and state standards and codes for such applications. The study will also evaluate the feasibility of installing a large hydrogen supply station for multi-modal use, (cats, buses, trucks, and marine vessels), and examine other issues such as vessel bunkering, fire protection, hazardous area determination, and cost considerations. The design group for the project is working with the regulatory entities, classification societies and the marine industry. The feasibility study has been completed and can be found here.
Feasibility Study of a Coastal Class Zero Emission Research Vessel (ZERo/V)
MARAD funded a feasibility study for the design of an oceangoing hydrogen fuel cell powered research vessel and high throughout hydrogen fueling arrangements based on the owner/operator's specific requirements. The project included a determination of the construction and operating cost estimates.
Feasibility Study of Replacing the R/V Robert Gordon Sproul with a Hybrid Vessel Employing Zero-Emission Propulsion Technology
This feasibility study assesses the applicability and design of hydrogen fuel cell propulsion technology for a research vessel targeted as a replacement for the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) R/V Robert Gordon Sproul. General parameters of the study included vessel performance (scientific and instructional activities), budget, GHG emissions reductions, and regulatory compliance. As in previous studies, the design complies with the existing international code for low-flash point fuels, and the project would help advance development of federal and state standards and codes for such applications. The feasibility study is available here.
Algal Flow-way Technology and Fuel Cell Report
MARAD partnered with Maryland Port Administration (MPA) on an innovative demonstration project that established the feasibility of integrating an algal flow-way, anaerobic digestors, a biogas collection and conditioning unit, and a fuel cell to convert algae to energy. The project was designed, built, and operated to close the energy loop by using biogas produced from a treatment best management practice to power a fuel cell that produced on-site electricity at the MPA Dundalk Marine Terminal. Reports on this project can be found here.
Hydrogen Gas Dispersion Modeling
MARAD partnered with Sandia National Laboratories to conduct computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling to provide analysis necessary to answer remaining regulatory questions required to bring a hydrogen fuel cell vessel completely through the regulatory approval process and provide a deeper understand of hydrogen release associated with fuel storage, in the fuel cell rooms, or at fuel cell exhaust hardware. The final report can be found here.
Maritime Fuel Cell (MarFC) Generator Project (2018-2023)
In continued partnership with the DOE Fuel Cell Technology Office (FCTO), the META program further demonstrated a 100kW to provide shore power for the research vessel R/V Robert Gordon Sproul, owned and operated by SIO. This report summarizes project activities and provides a review of lessons learned as well as next steps for supporting a follow-on project to further advance the use of fuel cell-based shore power in a maritime setting. The report, including presentations and references, can be found here.
Exploring Liquid Hydrogen Tank Technology for Zero-Emission Fuel Cell Vessels
The U.S. Maritime Administrator's Maritime Technical Assistance (MTA) program provided the funding for the following study to understand how LH2 tanks could be optimized for maritime use, and how that tank optimization could benefit the design, performance and cost of hydrogen fuel cell ships. It was accomplished under the guidance of Sandia National Laboratories, with assistance from Chart Industries and Glosten Navel Architecture and Marine Engineering Services. The report can be found here.
Scrubber Guide
MARAD worked with the Ship Operator's Cooperative Program (SOCP) to update the Exhaust Gas Cleaning Guide (Guide). The Guide was developed to assist operators with determining what scrubbers are available, practical, and cost effective to meet existing North American Emission Control Area requirements. The guide can be found here.
Exhaust Gas Treatment System Demonstration
MARAD partnered with the Interlake Steamship Company to support a closed-loop scrubber demonstration project on the MV Lee A. Tregurtha. The demonstration project included verification of post-installation emissions and lessons learned from installation and operation of the scrubber. The final report can be found here.
Black Carbon Emissions
MARAD, in partnership with the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), supported a black carbon (BC) emissions research study. The study, performed by the University of California - Riverside (UCR), was designed to measure BC emissions using multiple measurement techniques and to better understand how engine operating conditions and fuel choice affect BC emission factors. Emissions were measured in a lab setting with a test-bed engine, as well as in the field on two oceangoing vessels. Results showed a good correlation of emission factors among some sampling devices, and that distillate fuel produced lower BC emissions compared to heavy fuel oil and low sulfur residual blends. The final report is available here.
Lifecycle Analysis of the Use of Methanol for Marine Transportation
MARAD partnered with the University of Delaware (UDEL) and the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) to complete life cycle emissions and energy analysis of methanol for marine transportation. Methanol life cycle emissions were compared to other marine fuels such as LNG, low sulfur conventional fuels, and heavy fuel oil blends. Using a total fuel cycle model provides users with a more complete quantitative analysis of upstream emissions, not just downstream at the point of combustion, and allows for more descriptive comparisons. The report can be found here.
Motor Demonstration Project
META partnered with the Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA) and E-circuit Motors (ECM) to demonstrate a new, light-weight motor in a field application aboard the Training Ship Kennedy. The demonstration project consisted of replacing an existing 3 HP motor on a ventilation fan with a motor from ECM. Several tests were run to determine overall efficiency of the new motor. Those tests included system and controller efficiency, verification of motor constants, gauss measurements to check for flux leakage, thermal tests, and measurements of additional windage/bearing losses. The report can be found here.
IMO 2020 Low Sulfur Fuel and Lubrication Concerns
MARAD partnered with Oak Ridge National Laboratories to analyze anticipated issues associated with ship operations with the handling of very low sulfur heavy fuel oils, which will be required under the 2020 IMO sulfur cap ruling, which lowers the sulfur content in heavy fuel oils from 3.5 to 0.5%. Subject areas include impacts to fuel compatibility, lubrication, engine damage microbial contamination, and fuel handling. The reduced fuel sulfur content greatly impacts engine lubrication. New formulations, and possibly protocols, are being developed to minimize deposit formation. The final report can be found here.
Blockchain Technology and Maritime Shipping Primer
MARAD partnered with UDEL and RIT to develop a primer on the use of blockchain technology for the maritime sector. The report explores the potential for blockchain in the maritime sector and sheds light on if and how blockchain might align with -or run counter to- goals and objectives of stakeholders in the maritime sector. The report also provides advice on how stakeholders can best evaluate, and where appropriate support, the use of blockchain to meet their goals and objectives. The challenges discussed here are specific to the maritime sector, but are relevant to any agency from the local, state, and federal level when considering blockchains for energy and transportation issues. The primer report can be found here. A separate report on use cases can be found here.
Thermal Energy Harvesting and Conversion Demonstration Report
MARAD partnered with Collins Aerospace to demonstrate a waste heat recovery device on the training ship Golden Bear. Low-grade waste heat was recovered from the ship's service diesel generators and utilized as the hear source for a prototype adsorption chiller. The chiller operated during the 2023 summer cruise providing cooling to the machine shop. The cooling capacity for the chiller was measured and a simple business case developed for payback based on the installation and energy savings. The report and its findings can be found here.
Demo of Remote and autonomous Oil Skimming Vessel
MARAD partnered with Sea Machines to demonstrate remote and autonomous technology aboard a Kvichak MARCO oil boom skimming workboat. Nearly 200 if these specialized workboats are strategically deployed throughout the United States where rapid spill response is required. The objective of automating the workboat was to improve worker safety in hazardous operating conditions and reduce crew fatigue. Results and lessons learned from the demonstration project may be found here.
Emissions Comparison of a Marine Vessel Under Autonomous and Manual Control
MARAD partnered with Sea Machines and the Maine Maritime Academy to compare emissions from a workboat using autonomous and manual modes. A 41-foot diesel powered research vessel was outfitted with an autonomous control system and measurement instrumentation for determining gaseous emissions of CO2, CO, oxides of nitrogen (NOX), Total Unburned Hydrocarbons (THC), and oxides of sulfur (SOX). Results and lessons learned from the demonstration project may be found here.
Carbon Capture and Storage Pilot (Carbon Ridge)
This project will demonstrate a containerized carbon capture and storage (CCS) system for commercial application aboard a large vessel. The data and experience gained from this project will validate the specific CCS equipment used during this trial and provide additional lessons for vessels that may seek to use CCS to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions from the vessel.
MegaWatt Charging Standard Development for Harbor Craft
This project will develop a "MegaWatt Charging Standard" (MCS) capable of providing power at levels above 1,000 colts DC to enable high-power, megawatt-level charging of harbor craft. Crowley Maritime will work with partners to engage the broader industry to refine a range of tasks related to moving the project to demonstration phase and supporting further, international standard development.
Evaluation of Cost-Effective Integration of Innovation On-Board Carbon Capture for Vessels (OSG)
This project will evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of fitting a scrubber system equipped with an amine-based carbon capture system to the exhaust of a vessel operated by OSG Ship Management. If the technology proves feasible, subsequent work may install and test the equipment on board a vessel(s) operated on various routes in the United States.
Evaluation of Integrating Amine-Based Onboard Carbon Capture and Storage on a Commercial Tanker
This study evaluates the feasibility of retrofitting a medium range (MR) chemical tanker with onboard carbon capture and storage (OCCS) technology using amine-based system. While technically viable, the study identifies sizable engineering, operational, and financial hurdles, recommending further research, industry collaboration, and policy incentives to overcome these barriers. The report can be found here.
Carbon Capture and Storage Study (Life Cycle Engineering)
This project investigated the feasibility of shipboard carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. CCS has been used for landslide applications for many years. However, transferring those technology applications to a vessel has only recently been explored. As a follow on to this study, MARAD and Life Cycle Engineering are also working on a techno-economic analysis to be followed by vessel demonstration. The report can be found here.
San Diego Bay Carbon Sequestration Eelgrass Study (San Diego Unified Port District)
MARAD partnered with the San Diego Unified Port District to conduct a carbon sequestration and storage study on seagrass beds adjacent to the port. There is growing recognition of the ability of wetlands and submerged aquatic vegetation to sequester and store large quantities of carbon. San Diego Bay is of special interest for quantifying the carbon of seagrass beds because it contains approximately 15 percent of seagrass habitat within California. This informs not only the Port of San Diego, but other U.S. ports seeking information and data on carbon sequestration and storage in submerged aquatic vegetation.
Maritime Decarbonization - San Diego Bay, Carbon Sequestration Eelgrass Study Phase II (2023)
MARAD partnered with the San Diego Unified Port District to conduct its first study on carbon sequestration and storage in eelgrass beds. This study is a continuation of the initial study which will benefit not only the Port of San Diego, but other U.S. ports and the maritime industry seeking information and data on carbon sequestration and storage in eelgrass beds. The summary and study are available here.
Feasibility Study of Future Energy Options for Great Lakes Shipping
MARAD partnered with the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) to study the feasibility if future fuel options for Great Lakes shipping. The objective of the study was to investigate the suitability of alternative fuels and power options in Great Lakes shipping through 2050. The study profiles the Great Lakes shipping industry to characterize energy use and air pollution associated with today's ships, engine, and fuels; Great Lakes ports and bunkering infrastructure to determine access to existing and potential future alternative energy supplies; reviews and evaluates the suitability of alternative fuel and power options; projects the suitability of those alternative fuel and power options out to 2050, taking into account different factors such as technological maturity, cost lifecycle emissions etc.; and identifies domestic and international environmental regulations that may influence the uptake of those alternative energy options. The final report can be found here.