C1-B Type
The C1 type was the smallest and slowest of the three standard cargo designs in the U.S. Maritime Commission’s Long Range Shipbuilding Program. Intended as an economical choice for tramp services and coastwise trade where speed was not essential, these vessels had five holds and a capacity of 6,000 – 8,000 tons of deadweight. There were two main types of C1 vessel: type B was slightly longer and had a larger cargo capacity than type A and subsequently the commission built more of this type.
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This model is painted to illustrate both the war-time and peace-time color schemes of a merchant vessel. The U.S. Navy or War Shipping Administration (the war-time federal agency that was responsible for operating merchant ships that the Maritime Commission built or requisitioned from private shipping lines), typically painted their ships gray to provide camouflage while at sea. Commercial shipping lines often paint vessels, especially their smoke stacks, with company livery so that they can be easily identified at a distance.